I just sent our members some new research on our oil/gas spinoff. It was a comparison of the market caps of companies that are drilling in the same region relative to the market cap of our oil/gas holding. It made my head spin with excitement. I admit, I drank some coffee tonight before I started doing the research. But once I started digging even deeper into this name, I realized exactly why it is our largest holding...and I really would like to find a way to buy more.

It's rare that you come across such a gem. Why a gem? Mainly because it's so undiscovered...so underrepresented...so undercover. Nobody talks about it, nobody cares about it. The message board is empty...I google it and very little comes up. It's the picture perfect stock, with the picture perfect management, at a picture perfect time.

I'm telling you, I am tempted to just shout it out. I want to share all the research we have on this..so everyone can see what we see, but I can't. Again, it wouldn't be fair to my current members, it wouldn't be fair to my investors, and it wouldn't be fair to my analyst who helps me uncover opportunities such as these.

There is a very clear reason we offer the guarantee that we do. We find names like this once in a great while that have embarrassing upside.  The others we find, while not having the upside potential of this one, still have a good amount of upside and have a great margin of safety. We research them constantly and thoroughly. All misunderstood, under-recognized and under-appreciated companies that are high percentage bets.

Join today.

Author: admin

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