During the trading day I tweeted the following:

Took a roughly 4 point loss on DGP and a 7 point loss on AGQ. Glad to put these trades behind me.

Still holding onto EDC and will likely continue to do so until the end of the year.

I can't see myself being overly active for the remainder of 2011 unless we get some extreme action one way or another. Following a triple digit percentage up year in 2010, in 2011 I am underperforming the benchmarks. For awhile in October-early November it looked like I would be able to outperform. However, the second half of November and my slip up in December have ruined my chances.

If you've managed to be active in 2011 and are enjoying profits...congratulations. This has been an extremely difficult year for nearly everyone. I get the feeling that 2012 will be a lot more manageable.

Author: admin

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