Despite it being contrary to my nature, existence and philosophy about the very soul of the financial markets, I have admitted for sometime now that the price structure in AAPL left nowhere to go in the stock but up. This belief is contrary to my nature because the core of my philosophy with respect to the financial markets is that they hate you, me and every single person who attempts to pick fruit from its tree. Therefore, it would make sense that the most popular company in the history of modern man would not qualify as an investment. It runs contrary to the market's modus operandi for investors to consistently be able to make money in a stock that everybody, whether institutional or retail, loves to death.

It goes without saying then that over the very long-term individuals and institutions will lose more money on AAPL than they have made. It will be THE stock that hurts investors the most due to the unwavering, cult like love that has developed for the company. When the tide does inevitably turn, investors will be so blinded by that love that it won't matter how many times they get kicked in the stomach, slapped across the face or raped by a pack of wild dogs, they will keep coming back for more.

Let's look at the here and now.:

click chart to enlarge


Author: admin

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